"Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen." ~ Brene Brown
The more we radiate our unique light, the more others are inspired to do the same.
STEP 1: Remember what you enjoyed when you were a child!
*We start to become conditioned at age 7 and that is when we slowly move away from that true self and into our ego self. Reconnecting with things that your inner child loved can help spark a reconnection with you authenticity!
STEP 2: Be super honest with yourself & do some deeper reflection!
*In order to reconnect with your true essence, you need to connect with a higher awareness and reflect on what is REAL within yourself and what is not true to you. After that, is when you can begin to peel those layers of "lies" back and be who you truly are.
STEP 3: Embrace solitude & become your own best friend!
*Spending time alone more often allows you to reconnect with your spirit and true self. When we are constantly distracted and surrounded by other people, personalities and energies, we tend to lose sight of who we really are!
STEP 4: Embrace imperfection & let go of unrealistic expectations!
*You must embrace the fact that you are more than your experiences, your job title, and your belongings. You are you. Once you begin to give yourself more grace around not being what society expects of you & not being perfect all the time ... you will begin to feel your true essence shine through.
STEP 5: Acknowledge your passions & make more time for them!
*When we connect with our passions, we are connecting with the energy of our authenticity. The more we make time for what we're passionate about, the more our authentic self radiates.
STEP 6: Honor what feels good to you and be willing to let go of what does not feel good to you!
*A lot of us, without realizing, may be living life on other people's terms, expectations and judgements. When you get clear on what resonates with you and what doesn't, it really shows you where you are wasting your time and your energy and what is taking your power and you authenticity away!