Today, I choose happiness. I am getting better with each passing day. I am proud of myself for every effort I make to align with my best self; no matter how small. I believe in myself. I trust myself. I am going to get myself exactly where I want to be.

You have always been enough.
It becomes easier to stop taking things so personally once you realize that people are usually projecting.
Doing your best looks different each day. Be patient with yourself.
Self-doubt is normal. There is beauty in knowing you can harness and transmute that energy into something hopeful. A little mindfulness and self-compassion will take you further than you can imagine.
Pour into cups that pour back into yours. Pour into yourself the way you pour into others. Pour love and intention into everything you do.
Feeling lonely is not a reason to lower your standard. Solitude over toxicity.
Closure is not something you receive from someone, it is something you find within yourself.
Sending love to anyone finding today to be a little harder. You are seen, you are loved and are going to be alright.
You can always start again.