Often, we apologize because we worry too much about what other people think, or because we put their feelings above our own needs. Listed below are some situations where an apology is not necessary!
Removing someone from your life that repeatedly crosses your boundaries.
~Bonnie Romano
Being who we are, and feeling our feelings.
~Courtney Redd-Boynton
Trusting your instincts, even if you can’t explain it.
~Kate Willette
Quality “me” time (taking care of ourselves).
~Nath Ray
Your opinion—there is no right or wrong opinion, and there’d be a lot less arguments if more people could just respect and appreciate different insights.
~Jennifer Werner Mader
Standing up for what you believe in.
~Michelle Galyon-Stallings
Living life the way we choose to, regardless of fitting in with other people’s norms.
~Tanya Johns Emery
Speaking the truth. It isn't always pleasant, but better to know what’s really in someone’s heart than be fake!
~Kiran Sohi
Speaking up when someone has hurt us in some way.
~Karin Alberga
Taking a break and doing absolutely nothing for ten minutes.
~Christina Teresa
Being a free thinker and questioning everything, even when it’s not the popular thing to do. ~Kathy Gildersleeve Wesley
Choosing what you think is best for your life.
~Kay West