This guardian is a unique balancing of frequencies. The frequencies used are found to be healing with an incredible transference of energy. One of its main functions is to transmute environmental insults into carbon via the frequencies involved. @hedronlifesource
These Frequencies Help With:
Reducing occurrence of mold
Reducing harmful organic off-gassing
EMF protection frequencies
Anti-herbicide/pesticide frequencies
Increased microbial health of plants and soil
Carbon sequestering frequencies
Frequencies for increasing/balancing oxygen, nitrogen, etc.
Several light frequencies used for cellular regeneration and healing
Frequencies to promote mental health, especially when held in hands for short periods of time (example 5-10 minutes with nasal breathing)
The flow of various frequencies of "energy" are affected via geometric shape. The geometry of the guardian gives us a powerful receiving and transmitting capability. The center of two vortices meet in an opposite polar spin at the center of the guardian (a source of oscillating beneficial frequencies). Healthy cells have a specific geometric shape and pattern in a synergy with matrices, giving us a unique energetic "fingerprint" that is maintained or enhanced via frequencies that support this.
More Benefits include:
Plant life enhancement
Neutralizing off-gassing from potential hazards - manmade and natural
Vibrational healing frequencies for the bio-field
Healing acceleration
Energetic balancing
Alignment for increased meridian energy flow.
The Black guardian assists in supporting optimal cell shape and energy for the human body for a higher level of repair and regeneration. The pure crystal used contains zero heavy metals, and it can be programmed successfully with radionics. This product is intentionally programmed with DC current, as found in all of nature.
The black guardian decreases harmful man-made frequencies, as well as increases oxygen and hydrogen levels. It helps remove harmful molds and enhances the growth of plants. The Black Guardian Pendant extends out 6+ feet and extends your biofield.